Had a dream where the United States and Russia united together and for some reason outlawed Japanese immigrants. We let the immigrants stay at our house but the field next to our house was a neighborhood and a house was next to ours.
I remember standing in public and a Japanese girl turned to me and said, "Your my boyfriend." I held hands with her before kissing her. After I got home, it was night, I sat in my car and listened to the radio. Then the neighbor's teen came over and asked if I was holding Soviet Consent, something I didn't know about. Maybe he said contempt.
He looked like an angsty Stephen (annoying lawyer kid from CWI). I quickly replied yes, not knowing the meaning of my words. A couple days later I came home to find all our Japanese friends being hauled into vans and an official looking guy giving snobby neighbor kid a handshake and showing him a new car. The kid laughs and I shake with rage.
I chase after his car when he drives away. I run for a solid mile until he stops at a light. I jump and manage to grab onto the car. I climb to the sun roof as he speeds. I tap on the glass and he opens it to find me.
I curse at him and he mocks me before I jump through the roof into the passenger seat.
He pulls a gun and says "Don't move!" I freeze. "Can I put on my seatbelt?" He nods and as I click the belt, I can't help but think about what would happen if I keep moving really quickly; would he shoot?
I get arrested. I think the only reason he didn't shoot me was to not stain his new car.
In jail I meet a character I think to be anonomous because I don't remember much besides he gives me a way out. Together we escape into the zombie/demon infested jail/hospital. We encounter a locked laser wall and I crawl into the vents to find a way to unlock it.
As I enter a locked room via vent, a creature trieds to gore me. I get the laser fence off and somehow bypass the beast.
Further, we encounter a room with metal shutters that open and close. The walls have solid metal shutters. I can't help but think of Doom.
As we cross, monsters appear, we try to time the shutters so they clamp and kill the monsters without catching us. After we kill them the wall shutters clatter open. There a parasec to Abe's Oddysy tries to kill us. We escape to the exit which requires two switches.
Theres the exit straight ahead and a hallway on the left and another on the right. We split up, me going right. I enter a sandstone room with sand on the floor and a pharoh's casket placed in the wall. The room closes and starts filling with water. I look frantically for the switch and see it far up on the opposite side of the wall. I climb on the pharoh's casket and find handholds before blindly leaping to the switch. I slam it before ricocheting off the sandy wall and plung into the water.
It doesn't drain.
I freak out at my real fear. I swim to the top and rest, mind racing. Finally I dive and move rocks and bricks on the bottom, pressing walls before returning for breathe after breathe. The water reaches the ceiling and I take my last gulp and swim down 10-15 feet and know there is no more air. I cry underwater as red whisps play on my vision and fire burns my lungs. I've searched everything except the casket.
I brace myself and pull it out and I feel the suction. I hold there until the weight of air pulls me down, wet, onto the sloppy sand. Breathing hard, I exit.
Back in the main hall, I see no trace of my allie and no opening on the exit. I rush to his room and open the door to find him trying to climb.
The hand holds are sparce and holes cover the walls, shooting burning steam at you while you try to climb. After watching him get burned, I tried.
There was no avoid the steam. I sucked it up and pulled up and leap to try and hit the switch. Steam pours over me as I lunge. A final throw and I hit switch.
We exit and it's time to right the wrongs done to me.
Too bad I woke up.
It took a couple hours to remember all this and many details are blank. It would make a good short story. Like the Red Soldier one I haven't started.
I decided after posting this, not the type word for word what I've written in the journal. Cuz...man I suck at writing by hand but good at typing...So...yeah...
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