Thusly I came to the conclusion that Japanese men look like girls and Japanese doctors do surgery better than ours. Cute guy, right? The news had her and some older guy showing a video of them going to Tokyo Disneyland. There she put the older guy in many awkward positions. They drank from a single cup with 2 straws, fed each other icecream, and the whole time the older guy was like "Uhhh...this is kinda weird."
Well her name is Tsubaki Ayana (with Tsubaki being her last name. Here's the before picture.) and she's a model. She's 25 years old and if you think I be lying, go to wikipedia or just type her name in google.
So in conclusion, the Japanese guys make for cute girls.
Yesterday Marc and Marika's grandma and grandpa came over. They only speak Japanese. We had lots of awkward language fun. Today we went to the mall where I bought a 4GB mp3 player for $80. It doubles as a flash drive and recharges 30hours in 30 minutes. The only color they had left was Pink D:
I also ate at one of those restaurants where the food you want is on a moving platform and you snatch it. Every plate = 100yen. Every now and then when you put a plate in the...plate hole...the little screen you can special order food lights up and you might win a prize. With 6 people eating, we won 2 prizes...the same 2 prizes.
Also I asked Yukiko how I looked today and she said. "You dress like a Japanese but you're American. You're Jamerican."
"Is that a bad this?" I asked.
"No. So many Americans don't care about style when it's so easy to do."
So congrats...I'm Jamerican.
Holy crap, some pose by accident.
Holy crap, I posed in the exact same position...thats awesome.