Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8th

Holy crap! Corey and Yukiko have ultra good internet! I'm downloading stuff 10x faster than home (and for you peeps at home, I'm only downloading homework and 2 games). Instead of going at 160kb/s, I'm crusing at 1.8mb/s. For those not internet savvy, it takes 1000kb to equal 1mb. Think metric system.

Anyways! Today Yukiko had to go to lunch with the other school moms and I rode bikes with her to the train station. I then had to find my home all alone but it was no problem! (I sound like a 6 year old.) I browsed a book store and only found Kin-Nikku Man! Thats Ultimate Muscle for all you guys back home. Apparently Yukiko grew up with Kin-Nikku Man which is awesome because I used to see that show when I was a kid.

I also went to a game store and learned the kanji for used. I hope to sell my PSP for at least 5000yen or else i'll just sell it back in the states. They also had some okay prices on PSPs. I think Akihabara had the best prices around.

After that, I bought some wasabi chicken sandwhiches and then caught bugs with Marc. We were walking around the wonderful park and mossy stone when I slid and ate it twice. Got some battle scars but nothing worth alarm (is that my vein?!). Marc and I caught some cool bugs too. Afterwards, Marc and I (english major at work) went on a walk through unknown (to me) territory and I bought some 270ml drink for 130yen only to find the same drink only in 1liter for 120yen. We got home and played games and I worked on my katakana.

Now I'm expanding my vocab while reading up on language developement importance in early childhood. If you want your kid to learn a second language DO IT EARLY!

Good night...err...morning? Whatever, later!

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